Sunday, February 22, 2009

Am I too late for the Oscars?

... because I think "HTLGZ: The Movie" could be a leading contender in several categories.

Don't waste your time with the little embedded video. Click the links underneath to download the Quicktime HD, or watch it in high quality on Vimeo.

It's still a bit jerky, despite the interpolation and my attempts at stabilizing the color palette using ImageMagick. If you know a good way to do this (must be programmatic), let me know.

I'll update the movie every few months from now on, and perhaps next year the Academy will recognize the brilliant performances of Crane #1 and Bulldozer #3.


What today ate we? said...

Damn! Your blog ain't half as boring as it seems! I can highly recommend looking at the movie multiple times, and with multiple people, as together you will be able to see more and more with each viewing!

I love the movie!

anke said...

Great movie. I love the soundtrack as well, but may I suggest perhaps adding a voice-over reading some of the poetry of Ana Sofia?

I especially like the poem from October 14, 2008:

"The big tempest seems to be slowly calming down and the 10 sacks of fertilizer and other good dealings anticipate a greener pasture on the devastated sector. Hope the sun finds its way out and in due time push away the clouds that projected shadows on the picture of the tall proud building we are keeping our eyes on."