Sunday, April 5, 2009

How This Week Looks Ground Zero?

Let me make one thing clear: I assume that everyone who has ever visited this website is constantly glued to the HRNLGZ webcam, and paying attention to minute-by-minute developments in construction.

That said, I understand that sometimes it helps to get a short summary, to help recall. As a convenience, I am providing "How This Week Looks Ground Zero?", a four-and-something minute recap of the past week. Warning: it is incredibly boring, except for the lower left corner on Saturday afternoon.

(vimeo) How This Week Looks Ground Zero? 3/29-4/4
(youtube) How This Week Looks Ground Zero? 3/29-4/4 (make sure you hit the HD button)
(it is taking its sweet time to convert, but should be available anytime)

It starts on Sunday 3/29 at 00:00am, and ends on Saturday 4/4 at 23:59. There are no timestamps (except by accident), but you can calculate them yourself. Have fun!

PS: The truth is that I ran out of disk space yesterday, and didn't know why. Turns out my webcam script was storing the pictures it was taking every minute. I won't be doing this every week (or ever again, most likely), because I don't know how to fully automate the procedure, and I am lazy.


Pau Vergés Samitier said...


anke said...

Thank you so much for making this movie. As you know, we were traveling last week and were not able to keep abreast of the minute-by-minute developments as we usually do. So this recap could not have come at a better time!

RHM said...

Does the work go on at night?